Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Write...Rewrite...and Revise

            Before taking English 101 at Wright State, I have to admit that I never went back and worked on revising and rewriting a paper. I would look back over my papers, but more for proof-reading than anything else. Consequently, working on the revision process over the past couple of weeks has been an eye-opening experience in watching how writing can evolve and gradually improve.
            While my first drafts, for the most part, fulfilled what the assignment asked, they were at times underdeveloped and did not transition well. The revision process has helped me learn how to be more articulate in my sentences, catch and correct more errors, discuss the topics/ assignments with my peers, and encouraged me to ask for a second opinion of my papers. Rewriting has also forced me to think about my topic more than I usually would and to become more focused and organized as I write.
            I feel that my writing has developed and matured in my second drafts thanks to this process. I know that they are “working progresses” and are still far from perfection. Some of the hardest things for me in this stage of the revision process are the critical thought and self-assessment of the first draft and adding more information/content without becoming redundant or too wordy. I fully realize now that these papers could never have evolved into fruition without the time consuming, hard work of revision process though.


  1. I agree 100% with your last paragraph. My writing would have gone nowhere without the process.

  2. writing is an evolving process. and if you let it, writing will lead you where it wants you to go. and once you come out on the other side, you're amazed at your own ability. keep writing and revising.
