Friday, October 1, 2010

Powerful Ads

 They say a picture is worth a thousand words…and ads are proof of the truth in this statement. Ever since the beginning of marketing history, ads have been one of the most powerful ways to reach out and divert the potential buyer.
Ads are especially successful if they succeed in capturing your attention, for the longer you look at or spend time on an ad the more ingrained it will be into your mind. Even without the use of words, ads can still portray a very powerful message to their viewers. Each and every detail in an ad is deliberately planned with the intention of announcing and clarifying the message sent to the consumer.
Today many ads use lust or humor or try to instill a sort of peer pressure on their audience to promote their wares. A lot of ads use sexual explicitness as the key to brand a product or message into the shopper’s mind. Humorous ads accomplish their intent when they make you smile or laugh and if, by chance you mention or forward a copy to a friend…the ad has doubly succeeded. Peer pressure ads inform you that with this product you can be as beautiful as X or wearing this gear will help you play your game like Z…in short they sow seeds of greediness.  

In our world today we are surrounded with all sorts of advertising telling us we need this in order to be happy and popular…look the opposite direction, smile, and smell the roses.

1 comment:

  1. "n our world today we are surrounded with all sorts of advertising telling us we need this in order to be happy and popular…look the opposite direction, smile, and smell the roses."

    Resist the greed? Run from temptation? I agree totally! Great blog!
